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I will walking you through STEP by STEP the “How To’s”
Don’t have a “Gift Giveaway or Business Special Offer ” but would like to figure out what you could offer, join the call and I will help you brain storm an offer.
I will show you TOOLS to use to list build as well as show you tools that you can use for FREE on Virtual Meet and Greet that will HELP your business be showcased and FOUND in the search engines.
Feel free to forward this to any business you know that could benefit from getting more customers, you don’t have to be a member of Virtual Meet and Greet to be on this call.
Call WAS recorded if you want to receive an email with recording be sure to sign up below.
BONUS for signing up:
- You will also be automatically entered into the drawing to receive access to the class Facebook For Business.
- Receive COUPON to receive half off Virtual Meet and Greet Networking Membership.
- Once you become a member of Virtual Meet and Greet you can WIN additional Gifts during our “Gift Giveaway” Event.
Virtual Meet and Greet members have listed their gifts in the Directory and on their profile wall. Be sure to visit their profile and listing to enter to WIN.